Here are a couple of large scale illustrations that can be found in this week's Nuts magazine for the feature 'Britain's 20 Greatest Blokes' this was an incredibly fun, if labour intensive job! This job was commissioned on the day before Christmas Eve, I assumed I would be having the Holiday period off, which happens most years as my editorial clients close shop over this period... How wrong was ?! It seems AD Mr Simon Freeborough puts even more hours than me!
This job posed a few problems; The order in which the characters would appear was pre-determined so I couldn't play about with that, also I rarely get to do one image at this size never mind two, so I was maybe a little out of practice, plus I drive myself crackers with little details which can slow me down on these big one's.. in fact these images only came together towards the end of the job, just a few days before deadline.
I'm not going to go through the list, click on the images for a close up and hopefully all are quite obvious, good to see Stephen Hawking at No1 though!
Having seen these in print, which is how I recommend these be viewed, as it plugs in some of the gaps I left for the text I can honestly say I'm happy with the final images, these were quite epic to draw and compose and came about not long after the 40 portrait monster Mac Format job of the last post, if you're in a News Agents check these bad boys out!
Hopefully i'll get the opportunity to work with Nuts on other jobs throughout 2011, their briefs are always fun and more often than not allow me to tap into my more comedic qualities.. which is what it's all about, I think every illustration should have a stamp of the creator's personality... and I think anyone that knows me, would say these are a good reflection of my own humor.
Style 2 is going from strength to strength, this is great!
ReplyDeleteThanks Bill an excellent excuse to buy Nuts Mag ! To look at my M8's work of course !