Again massive delay in putting these up, in my defense i've been really quite ill this week, in fact i'm still not 100 percent, just trying to take things easy this week, hopefully be back to my old self soon.
So here are some new illos for Financial Director, the great Richard Crump was again the AD/commissioner of these.
Even though these are tiny drawings I actually do think some of these illos are the best that I do, as I've said before I've always thought of myself as an ideas man, and that's what I like to get paid for, more often than not though it's portraiture... still I like doing that too, so can't complain!
These are in no particular order, and it was a case of jut picking a few of my faves over the past few months, above the mug man, was about being made a 'mug' of in the workplace, this idea was suggested and I really like it, below that is for an article I can't remember, but hopefully the image is self-explanatory.
Rubik's Cube image, is for an article about solving the economic puzzle, cool idea I thought, with simple execution, no need for flashiness if the idea works! Below that is for an article about personalizing mobiles, went as gaudy and tasteless as poss, this is also a repeat of an idea I did for Men's Health years ago, which can be found on one of my very first posts, if you're going to steal may as well make it from yourself!
Computer beating up man illo, was for an article in which man competed against machine (not physically!) can't remember the article itself, but as you'd expect the computer proved smarter, had fun with the pixel skull on this one.

The dog with the dynamite in his mouth was a suggested idea by Richard for an article about Best Intentions, I couldn't come up with anything else that fitted the brief and duly started drawing, got my Lab Bud to pose for this, albeit without the dynamite, anyone that knows this dog would attest that if you buried dynamite, he'd dig it up and bring it into the house, and drop it at your feet... and they say Labradors are intelligent!
Bad Santa drawing was for the Christmas edition a while back, simple idea just draw a Bad Santa, I was thinking more Dan Ackroyd in Trading Places than Billy Bob Thornton, both are great films though!

Finally bottom image was about graduates, Richard just required a slightly worse for wear student type for this, I was happy to comply... this actually reminds me, that it's now a whole decade since I left Derby Uni with my 2:1 in Illustration, and set on this path of making pictures, officially I count 2013 as my real anniversary of breaking into this business, as I didn't get my first paying job until Jan of 2003 and then went on to actually make a career of image-making, so i'll be doing somethings throughout that year to celebrate no doubt.. doesn't time fly!