Here's a new double page illo that can be found in the latest issue of Nuts... and a fun one to draw it was too.
This image is what's known in the business as an 'advertorial', here's a quick definition for those not familiar with the term, an advertorial is a promotion running in a magazine that runs and feels like a regular feature, but is of course advertising a brand... it's quite a clever way I think of advertising to a specific readership.
The image above runs in Nuts and promotes the Census 2011; the brief was to create a Nuts office of the future, and I was given a set list of things to include; cyborg delivery man, 3D printing, hologram PCs etc..
This was art directed by the great Simon Freeborough and then later overseen by the equally great Barney Hammond at the magazine, these kinds of jobs are a potential minefield as not only does the image have to meet the approval of the magazine, but also design and advertising types for the actual brand... often when you do this stuff, it means it's going to a committee..and of course everyone has an opinion!
Luckily this illustration went surprisingly smoothly, with hardly any changes. Yay!
I really had fun with this image, but I did admittedly make things a little tough on myself by deciding this was the best place to try my hand at isometric drawing.. talk about jumping in at the deep end! In the end I learnt a great deal, it's a far more technical approach than how I usual work, everything has to correspond with this 45 degree axis... it's certainly a way of drawing that i'll use in the future, and considering this was my first attempt i'm pleased with the results... just imagine what i'll turn out next time!
Strangely enough i'd never previously done any advertorial stuff since I've been working, but including this one I've completed 3 in the last month! The other two i'll post here once they've seen print.