Here's another job for the fine fellas at Nuts magazine, which is in the shops now, but only for one more day, I intended to post these up last week, but again my busy streak continues!
These illustrations were created for the feature '20 Great Things only Blokes do', I got the brief on Friday evening from AD Simon Freeborough asking whether I fancied doing these twenty spot illustrations, now at the time I thought I was just getting over a bout of the flu, and I'd be fit and raring to go on these over the weekend... turns out I was wrong!
My flu symptoms flared again up, and it laid me low over the weekend period, and I didn't get really going on these until Sunday afternoon.. now twenty illustrations in an already tight period of time is difficult, but doing these when you miss a day and half and feel awful throughout makes it like mission impossible.
Unbelievably I managed to have the first twelve completed by five o'clock Monday, which left me with eight tricky ones to get in over the next couple of days.. the original plan was these were not suppose to have backgrounds, they would be just sitting on flat colours, which meant I had only to concentrate on the figures, however the AD's thought they would look better on very simple backgrounds... which scared the hell out of me at that point, as it meant even more work in an ever dwindling frame of time.
I worked with Nuts Art Editor Barney Hammond for the first time on this series, and I think he was justifiably right in wanting some background info in there, even though simple in some cases it makes them look a ton better... and despite my illness and stress I actually like the finished series and feel like a stronger artist for having been pushed to my limits on these.
Some of the subjects for the images were; "Defacing a sleeping friend" "Growing a 'Tashe"
"Morning Flatulence" "Eating Stupidly Hot Curries" & "Competitive Urinating".... all for the most part enjoyable to draw, and who else but the guys at Nuts will pay me to draw such things!
The image at the bottom is just a selection of the twenty images, before we put in any background...which I think look nice cut on white!
The next middle two are a selection of my favorites of the series with backgrounds.
The top two are the full 20 images in print.
Ha, in the past I can be quoted on how I love my spot illustrations, well after producing these twenty in next to no time, I am now looking forward to producing some nice big full page and double page images.