So here it is! Art directors and creative folk up and down the land should now have my latest self promo package dropping through their mail boxes, "What is it?!" I hear you cry, well I thought I'd up the stakes and get all interactive!
Bill McConkey's 100% Authentic Zombie Mask, is exactly what it says on the box; however here's the cool part; if you cut out the mask and send a snap to yours truly while wearing it then you get a goody bag of prizes... the entree that is judged by me to be the most inventive and creative wins an extra special prize valued in the region of 10 English pounds!!!
I've already had a couple of entrees today from some of the UK's finest AD's, but I need more, and the more creative or just plain weird the better your chance of scooping top prize, just follow the instructions on the back and email it over!
This I hope will become an annual event, but it really is reliant on you creative folk, cutting loose, showing that AD's, Designers' and Creative whatevers.. can have a bit of fun and enter into the spirit of things, you can do this by making sure you get a photo to me before the end of Halloween night!
All entrants get a gruesome goody bag that'll be sent out either at the end of this week, early next (depending on when you get the entree to me!) the overall winner will be sent there extra special prize next Monday!
I'm not concerned with how you keep the mask to your face, whether it be string, taped or glued... you can take the photo at work, shopping, skateboarding whatever, remember the most creative entrant will win the big prize!! Imagine how envious every other Art Director in the UK will be... just imagine it!!...