My long in development promotional booklet 'Kaleidoscope' is now finally on the way to being finished.
The 10 page glossy brochure collects together over 30 of my best unpublished self-promotional drawings produced mainly over the last 12 months and will have a initial print run of 200, these will then be making there way into the hands of not only art directors I already work with, but also to those whom I wish to work with throughout 2010.
The whole production of the book has been a massive undertaking, something I've likened to creating a album, in that you want only your very best to make the final collection, and of course there should be a coherence about the thing as a whole.
The image above is a sneak peek of the cover, I wanted something elaborate and dense, which let's face it runs contrary to what is seen as good design, particularly for a cover, the picture is really a celebration of not only things I like to draw, but also has a definite 80's kitch undercurrent... if this image boggles your eyes then it has done its job.
There will be more about Kaleidoscope here once it finally sees print.